Gender-based violence
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a form of violence which includes physical, sexual, and/or psychological violence perpetrated by men against women and girls. GBV is a gross violation of human-rights and universal values, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international documents, and unfortunately remains prevalent worldwide, cutting across national and socio-cultural boundaries.
Gender inequality persists in Uzbekistan as well, including negative gender stereotypes, limited representation, and participation of women in decision-making spaces, in social, and economic life. Traditional views on gender roles are widespread, lowering women’s participation in higher education and encouraging child marriage (7.2%), especially in rural areas (UNICEF global databases, 2021). Another major problem pertains to domestic violence, which saw a rapid increase since the pandemic hit. In addition, journalists face censorship making dissemination of the problem almost impossible.